This is another of Stella’s specialties. If you are having a typical fiesta with lots of salsas, bean dips and chips, these mango slices will be a welcome relief to the palate. Strangely enough, a sprinkle of red chile brings out the sweetness of fresh fruit.
3 perfectly ripe but firm mangoes
juice of 2 limes (2 Tbsp)
freshly ground black pepper
3/4 to 1 tsp New Mexican chili powder (preferably a hot/sweet powder)
Stand each mango, smaller tip facing up, on a cutting board. Make one long downward slice, as close as possible to the large center pit. Repeat on the opposite side, then on the two narrow sides. This will free the fruit from the pit. Cut the mango flesh away from the skin.
Place the mango slices on flat dish. Drizzle generously with lime juice.
Season with 3 or 4 grinds of pepper and a sprinkling of chili powder.
Serves 6.